St. Monica's Catholic High School Class of 1968
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About Us

We are the class of St. Monica's Catholic High School who graduated in 1968.

This website is where we'll put info about our upcoming reunions

If you would like to know more about us, I direct you to the following unnamed poem tucked away in our yearbook:

Our church and the people around it

Tell a friend

Valiantly sailing onward
toward my goal
Of the eternal sunset,

I carry precious cargo --
all I have learned.
It is the kiss of wisdom.

I anticipate blue skies,
the brilliant sun,
and a peaceful sea.

Ready for the misty fog
in human life,
Prepared for storms ahead,

Hailed by a breathless gale,
my sails are stripped.
I am cast into darkness.

But the right stars
Faithfully guide me onward,
Giving me hope and courage.

Mended are my broken masts.
I am ready once again
for the challenge.

For today is memory
of the sorrow borne
On yesterday's breeze.

And tomorrow is the joy
of the sunset
Treasured in today's dream.

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