St. Monica's Catholic High School Class of 1968

James McMullen

1968 - 2018
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My History
After graduation, I attended Loyola University along with fellow classmates Marty Connelly, Steve McIntyre, Frank Ponce, Richard Couture and Kris Dahlin.

Two years later I married my high school sweetheart, Paulette Clark (Class of '69), and started a life together. We moved to Roseburg, Oregon, which turned out to be a mistake (it never stopped raining), and soon realized that for us the sunny California weather was preferable.

We bought a home in Camarillo and settled in with our two kids and one Golden Retriever. I finished school at Cal State University Northridge with a BA in Psychology, worked for the USPS and started selling real estate part time.

Fast forward 30 years and I ended up as Mgr. Business Service Network at USPS District Office in Santa Clarita retiring after 35 years.

I served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Ventura County for 7 years, wrote a book (When the Street Lights Come On) and traveled to Italy, Greece, the Caribbean and the Hawaiian Islands.

I'm still married to the same girl 50 years later! We have two grown children, a daughter Cameron (who works with Children's Protective Services) and a son Jason (who is a firefighter in Montebello). We have 3 grandchildren (Cody, Kylie and Jake), 2 Golden Retrievers (Buck and Pirate) and one kayak (yet to be named).

Current Interests
I love writing, especially short stories, poetry and one stage play, so far. I've gone to elementary schools to read parts of my book on "meet the author" day, and I enjoy the solitude of an afternoon of kayaking in the Channel Islands Harbor.

I enjoyed seeing everyone at the 50th Reunion, missed those who couldn't make it, and hope to see everyone again in 10 years. What a great life we have!

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